Spot & Cara:
An Alzheimer's Care System
February - May 2021
Tools Used
Premier Pro
Figma & Miro
User Research & Testing
Rapid Physical Prototyping
Pitch Presentation
Spot & Cara is your friendly and human-centric two-part Alzheimer's Care product system. It facilitates communication, encourages activities and documents care for both the caregiver and care-recipient.
Low-technology MVP solution
With the same story, Spot & Cara's MVP solution consists of minimal digital technology. It consists of Spot, the mechanical timer toy, and a portable paper Activity Journal.
Both Spot & Cara establish a sense of trust and familiarity by conversing with the user
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Spot & Cara work together to alert people sharing a space of daily activities and other important reminders
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During an activity, a progression bar will tell the user where they are during the process and will notify that they have completed a step
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Both products can also show others around the house that an important call is taking place
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The Opportunity
How did I get to this opportunity statement?
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As a response to my research insights,
I wanted to
1) Achieve reducing the time and frustration in communication within a family living with Alzheimer's
2) Increase the physical and mental activity for the
care-recipient in a home environment
3) Have a system to better document the disease progression
My second phase of research began by understanding what kind of technologies are best suited for this purpose and how both the care-recipient and care-giver would interact with the product(s).
Prototyping & Testing
I determined that biometric technology and using smart mirrors as a medium to utilize the capabilities of this technology would best fit the needs for families living with Alzheimer's.
I decided that a two-piece product each with its own unique functions, based on the research within Alzheimer's, modern technology, and the current landscape of Alzheimer's products, would achieve these unfulfilled needs.
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