November - December 2020
User Research & Testing
Physical Prototyping
Pitch Presentation
Tools Used
Fusion 360
Figma & Miro
To me, mental health is just as important as physical health. In particular, during the impacts of COVID-19, keeping a healthy mindset becomes even more critical
Meet Esso
Supporting young adults to relieve overwhelming work-related stress in a remote working environment
The Opportunity
Interviews & surveys to understand current needs
I sent out a survey to my target audience: young adults, specifically college students, from various majors to gain more insight into what is the most significant mental health obstacle students are having and when this happens.
Most students are suffering from mental stress from work related issues
Often times these problems arise when students are working alone in a personal space, and often at night when they are tired. I chose a couple students to interview them more in depth about when these stress points come, what they feel/are thinking, and activities that help them resolve their stress.
Aligned values with Ostrichpillow
We both hope to provide "micromoments of Self-care [to] contribute to long-term wellbeing”
Expanding the system with details & controls
Thinking in a system, personalization controls such as modifying heat, changing sound, and volume is at the lower back of Esso for easy reach.
concave form becomes more friendly
Developing an online community
To further adjust the settings, play one's personal music, connect with friends, take notes on stress and more, the user would use the app to do so.
Control details